
Lecture:  Insider’s look at how and why TV shows and movies get made
Speaker:   Mark Edens
Cowan Center for the Arts
Sunday, July 26th, at 4:00 PM

Sewanee resident and native Tennessean Mark Edens has been writing for television and movies for over twenty years. His credits include TV movies for CBS, ABC, and the Disney Channel, episodes of In the Heat of the Night, Falconcrest, and Young Hercules, and over a hundred scripts (he's stopped counting) for animated series from The X-Men to Beetlejuice. He will give an insider's look at how and why TV shows and movies get made and attempt to answer the question: Are television and movies bad for you? And if so, is it his fault as a writer or yours as an audience? Or is there someone else we can all agree to blame?

For more information, call Pat at (931) 691-0722.                                     




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